
TELESCOPE - Cancellation and Refund

Cancellation policy

You can cancel your subscription anytime.

Your account will remain active until the end of your subscription's current billing period.

After that date all users to whom you have granted access will no longer be able to login in. The mobile app will continue to function for the data collectors however, they would no longer be able to push data for the projects attached to your account.

Project creation, updation and management modules will remain inactive.

The gallery and other reporting modules will remain active for a period of 1 year. Post 1 year of cancellation of your account, all your data including images and videos will be erased from our databases.

You will receive a series of reminder mailers to download your data before this date.

Refund Policy

Monthly Plans
On all the monthly plans, we provide a refund window of 7 days from the date of subscription. On claiming a refund within 7 days, we will make a full refund of your subscription fee. No questions asked. Post this 7 day period, we will not be able to make a refund.

Annual Plans
On all the annual plans, we provide a refund window of 14 days from the date of subscription. On claiming a refund within 14 days, we will make a full refund of your subscription fee. No questions asked. Post this 14 day period, we will not able to make a refund.

For additional queries, please write to admin@relusys.ai.